Thursday 12 April 2012

The Powers That Be...

So it's time for another entry in the Lexicon Negimalevolentarium, but firstly I'd like to apologies for taking so long to write this post, I've been very busy studying (Pfft, no, not really :D). And next, I'd like to update on my last entry, I was walking to the end of the road this morning... No, actually I was running because, to be honest, if I want to go a short distance I'll want to get there as soon as possible to get whatever I have to do over with, but that's besides the point, on my way I was attacked by 3 bugs, each of them hitting my face, and I swear at least one of them was a bee! D: Most terrifying 5 minute journey of my life.

Alright so it's time for today's blog entry, and I've decided that today I'll focus on the ideas of 'fate', fortune telling and all that bullshit (Although I do have a pretty strong interest in the stuff I still think it's a load of rubbish, how's that for irony?)

Fate, as we call it, is the belief that everything that happens was always going to happen, feels pretty religious actually, but when you really think about it, I guess it gets pretty complicated. You'd probably think you could defy fate on your own, but of course you'd be wrong, let's say, for example, that I wanted to defy fate so i take the glass off the coaster next to me, take a drink of more than I would usually and down the glass in one, hover the glass over the coaster, but instead of putting it down, I take it and throw it out the window. Have I defied fate? Of course not, fate, is a lot smarter than that, it knew all along that I was going to try and defy it, so it was written - it was fate- that i would down my drink in one then throw the glass out of the window, even if it was a stupid thing to do without killing a cat in the process.
Fate, or at least, what you get when you type it in google images, though I don't mind, this is a PC game I played once and loved, but now the free trial is over I can't play any more ;-;

So if everything is destined to happen, can we tell the future? Well I suppose some recently dismissed mental asylum attendees.... No, better not say that, it's offensive to the mental people... some whackos who obviously got spanked so hard when they were a child that their arse came out where their face was, seem to believe they can, each with their own area of expertise, but the with same level of shit spewing from each of their mouths, oh and quite frankly, I'd get less of the shit from a cow with chronic diarrhea. Anyway, so you've got the astrologist fortune tellers, they're the ones that make stuff up based on where the little white dots in the sky are; There's palm readers, who you pay to stroke your hand (and fulfill their fetishes) and then make stuff up; and the tarot readers, the card nerds of the fortune telling world who put some cards on the table then use a script to tell you what will happen based on what cards they draw. Oh and there's spirit mediums too, but don't get me started on those idiots, they can talk to the dead? Yeah, I'll believe that when Final Destination comes true.
Fortune telling, a concept that can only really come true in games and fictional stories, where many convenient things  just happen out of sheer coincidence

Sure, I think it's nice to have the idea that 'the accident was always going to happen, so it's not my fault' but God all this fortune telling is a load of bollocks, the horoscopes in today's paper for example: For Aries, one part says 'Single? A Gemini who finishes your sentences offers romance', and for Cancer one part says 'Still looking? Your perfect partner waits where singers perform' (I'm a Capricorn but today that was a bad example), now, maybe i'm just a loner or don't understand socializing, but I have never ever met someone who finishes my sentences for me, and how desperate do you have to be to go looking for one!? But the sad thing is that I'm sure there are people out there who will just go out on the streets, asking people when they were born until they find a gemini and then when they find one, and then start a conversation with them... full of unfinished but obvious sentences like 'That's a nice....' or something (now that I've written that I just can't think of any examples), in the hopes that they can grab that person's number and strike up some relationship with them another day... WHEN THEIR HOROSCOPE WOULD HAVE CHANGED AGAIN!! D: it's the same with the where singers perform thing, how many desperate people would go out of their way to find some sort of concert or bar with a performer in the hopes that the rubbish written in The Sun was true, and now that I think about it, how many desperate people would read other horoscopes like the singers one, and then head out there in the hopes that they find someone who look at the same horoscope and had the same idea? D: it's a conspiracy!
The star signs, we each have our own, based on what day we were born

I don't know anything much about the fake logic behind palm readings, so I'll go onto tarot cards and use an analogy here. So, I've got my homemade tarot cards (based on those from the persona games - the only reason I have an interest in tarot readings) here so here comes an example, I'm going to ask the tarot cards about... My love life, that's a pretty common question in the loners who degrade themselves to using fortune tellers, they ask about their love life. So let's ask the cards, what will my love life be like in he near future? Well i did a 2 card draw and got the upright Magician (I) and upright Priestess (II), so according to the tarot guide, I will recognize my own potential and be influenced by women, so the problem there is that I already recognize my own potential and there are very few women around to influence me, let alone me let them do it :o
Persona tarot cards, I can only wish mine were the same quality

The moral of all this is that, if you got an A or an E on your test, you were meant to, as you will be for the next tests you do, so don't bother revising, it won't change anything >:)

So there you have it, my thoughts on the strange world of fate and fortune telling, I wrote a lot today so for those of you who couldn't be bothered to read all my waffle, here is today's blog, in summary:

Now actually read the damn thing, I put a lot of work into it!

Anyway, let me just fade into the stars with my 'what if' of the day:

WHAT IF 'fate' is actually some fat guy sitting in a secret room in the government building, controlling our every move... D:

Until the stars say I shall write again, my readers :)

1 comment:

  1. Pal reading is about the different lines on your hand, representing things like how long you're going to live how much money you will have.

    Tarot cards are actually intended to be used in old Italian games, and the Romani genuinely did start using them for fortune telling as an elaborate con because the Romani were mysterious enough having come from the far east (India or Pakistan, I can't quite remember) that the Italians believed whatever they said about their culture.
